3,2,1 GOAL!

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New Years has come and gone, just as the many resolutions that were destined to fail within the 72 hours of being professed have. “I’ll sign up to the gym and go every single day!” That one failed before the hangover even had time to set in on the 1st. “I’m going to quit my job and do the one thing I’m passionate about most!” Had you even dipped a toe into the thing that you're most passionate about prior to this sweeping declaration? If not, I can assure you, quitting a job and diving into an empty pool full of concrete is not a good idea. Let’s face it: New Years is the guaranteed date many promises we continuously make to ourselves are created- only to be broken. Why are we okay with creating a tradition in letting ourselves down? Usually, you would feel bad in letting a close friend down over a small matter, so why do we continuously not even think twice about religiously making a giant resolution (we will probably give up on) each and every year? Why is “New Year, New You” such an important thing? I can answer that question for you right now: It’s not! Instead I’ve come up with an alternative to the tradition of your New Years broken promise to yourself. That being: The Weekly Goal.

In place of a New Years Resolution- why not make small achievable goals we change with each week. Say you’re currently the person who makes the yearly resolution of getting fitter, and constantly pays the wage of PT’s at gyms you rarely set foot in- instead of making that giant leap of faith in a resolution and therefore paying for it, why not make week one’s goal “I will go for a 1KM run.” Then once you actually achieve that, if it’s something you want to keep on pushing: you can then make that another week’s goal too (and even think of changing the distance to something larger if you’re keen.) Week Two’s goal may be something completely different: “I will introduce myself to my neighbor next door.” This way, when you actually make small achievable goals (week by week) you know you can achieve them much more than a whole year’s pledge. Let’s face it- a whole year commitment is a lot scarier than a week one. Plus, if it’s also something you learn/decide isn’t for you- you give up so much easier. Think of The Weekly Goal as learning what you’re capable of. You’re in complete control at what each week’s goals are. They may all revolve around becoming a more social person, or, becoming more active. They could even be a whole mix of anything. Whatever you decide week by week- you know you’ll be capable of doing as you are the decider of what You want from You.

If you decide on trying The Weekly Goal let me know, and then let me know what type of goals you’re working towards! I too shall be doing this and making posts in relation to some of my goals I think you would all be interested in hearing about.

Until Next Time,


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