Hello 4am: Let's Not Meet Again.

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To be honest I'm surprised I made it from the airport to my hotel. In the span of two days I had managed a miserable ten minutes of sleep. My first flight (9hours) I was unfortunate enough to be seated next to a family of small tiny humans, who seemed to be miserable for 9 hours straight and let everyone know by screaming the whole time. If I thought I was unlucky then, I was in for a giant surprise when on my next (14 hour flight) the same family of demons were seated right next to me again. I'm not a hater of children: I understand they have a need to be heard at times- what I'm not a fan of is when the parents of said humans don't have any consideration for those around them and literally do nothing to stop or try calm their offspring. Which is exactly what these parents were like. The whole 23 hours not once did I hear the parents try to console, shoosh or even prevent their children from kicking chairs in front of them. It even got to the stage another passenger who's seat was being pounded, turned around and asked the parents to calm their kids. Other than that, the flight was great. Numb bums, snoring people and the inability to lay down. What's not to love?

Once I finally arrived in London I'm surprised I actually managed to make it back to the hotel. I had passed from exhausted to zombie tired. I literally felt like I was in a dream like state; walking slowly and everything around me at top speed. I felt drunk when I was as sober as a stone. As soon as I got to my room I fell into bed and fell into a coma like state- for six hours. Once 4AM arrived my body refused to stay asleep. Despite how exhausted I was, I couldn't do it. So I tossed and turned and finally fell asleep again at 7 for half an hour. 

For my trip I felt I was completely prepared- brought my universal adapter and everything. The adapter had worked wonderfully for me: at charging my iphone. As soon as I finished my shower and tried to use my hairdryer that's when I realized my adapter was a bad idea. My dryer worked for maybe 2 seconds then completely shut off. My adapter didn't even charge my phone anymore. A quick message to my electrician friend, and he taught me how to change its fuse- and it was back to working. Lesson learnt- I can not use my dryer at full speed unless I want to blow London up.

Sight seeing in London was fun. There are many, many Bridges here. London Bridge itself isn't that great. Was a bit of a let down to be frank. It was tacky and just grey. The tower Bridge was 101 times better. On the walk back to the Hotel I came across another tourists having their photo taken- and of course I jumped in the photo with them. They weren't angry which worked well as I wasn't really wanting a punch to the face today. Maybe tomorrow..

Anyway, I must get ready to go see my grandmother the Queen. I shall speak soon

Until next time, xox

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