My Experience With Laser Hair Removal

*If you're just interested in reading about what happens during the appointment, scroll down to the heading "During the Appointment"

I am very particular about the hair on my body: I Do NOT Like It

Unless it's the hair on my head, or my brows (lashes included too), it must go. Even in the middle of Winter, when I'm wearing nothing but pants and jumpers, I still shave religiously. I don't do this for other people, no sir. I do this purely for myself. I love the feeling of hair free legs (those sheets were made to feel smooth), I dislike the look of hair under my arms and most importantly: I despise any hair on my downstairs region. 

I've tried every form of hair removal on each of these body parts; shaving, waxing, hair removal cream and even using an epilator (only on my bikini line for my lady. No thanks to any further.) Now, all of these forms of hair removals are great- they're just not long lasting or permanent. 

Shaving: for me is the worst form. I just can't seem to learn how to not cut and slice my legs whenever I shave. Plus it's insanely itchy whenever the hair grows back.

Hair Removal Creams: I usually use this on my downstairs region and also further down back (if you catch my drift) and it's amazing. Only problem- just like shaving the hair grows back almost immediately. 

Waxing and Epilation: These are my two favourite forms of hair removal (of those I've already named) They are also the most painful, but it does take an extra few days (maybe even week if you're lucky) until the hair grows back.

Reality is all of these hair removal options are exactly the same. They remove the hair, yes, but the hair will always come back. Due to the fact like I said previously, I'm not a fan of hair in general, I needed a more long term solution. 

My friend has the same hate as me when it comes to hair on his body. His chest to be exact. Just like me, he hated the fact it was there and would always continuously shave it off at the first sign of it. That is until he discovered Laser Hair Removal. 
Now at the time he discovered this- I was learning about it in my diploma of Beauty Therapy, but was yet to try it myself. Reality is: I was actually scared to try it. It was a somewhat new form of hair removal, not that many people were doing it and who knew what the results would be like. So when my friend tried it for himself and was starting to see amazing and ideal results- his hair taking longer and longer after each session to grow back. Also less and less- I had to try it myself!

When I first researched Laser Hair removal I was actually quite surprised at the cost of it. The place I ended up choosing to go to had a "special" on (I say "special" as it had been that for the last year and a bit) where you would get both your Brazilian and Underarms treated for only $59 a session. Now, if you're a regular waxer you'll know the cost of getting a wax can be anything from $50+ each wax. So to see this long term, permanent hair removal solution which included two different body regions for basically the same price as waxing- it made me wonder why I hadn't tried this sooner. 

Now due to the fact I was currently studying this in college- I knew you would need an estimate of 10 sessions spread out every 4 weeks for this to work. When you calculate that cost- it's ridiculously cheaper than spending the rest of your life paying for a wax and someone to rip your lips off. The only problem with this hair removal is it's not available for everyone

If the roots of the hair you want removed are very fair (no colour to them) you will not be able to get this treatment as laser hair removal works by light travelling down the hair follicle and "zapping" the membrane (the hairs brain cell basically). If you have no colour to the hair follicle, the laser will not target anything in particular and will just disperse all over. Therefore not "killing" the cell.

 To find out if you're suitable for this treatment all you need to do is get a pair of tweezers and pull out 5 hairs from the area you're interested in and if the majority of those hairs are dark, then you're suitable. So if 3 of the 5 are dark based hair, you're good. 2 or 1 out of 5- you may possibly not be suitable and you should be prepared for the technician to let you know this if you decide to book an appointment. 


Once you get to your first appointment and your beautician determines if you're suitable for this treatment (remember the tweezing), you'll be asked to remove you underwear and put on some nifty sunnies which resemble those of a speed dealers from the movies 

After you've put on your amazing and spiffy new accessory your beautician will then coat the area to be treated with a gel to help protect your skin from burning- as it is a bright light constantly being flashed against the skin.  Once they have done that they will get the machine and grab the Light handle and start placing it on your skin and making it "zap" you. Now, it doesn't hurt at all. I would compare it to an elastic band gently being flicked against your skin. It is a bit of a shock to begin with as you're not too sure what to expect- but pain is not it. 

If you're getting your Brazilian done there are two places its' a bit intense with the elastic band flicking feeling. They are; your bottom and also right on your lips. Like I said before though it isn't something you'd compare to a strong overwhelming pain. If you can wax you can definitely do this. Waxing is a hundred times more painful than Laser.

After every part has been zapped your beautician will then smooth some "soothing gel/cream" onto the areas and tell you to put your clothes on and that's it! 

It really is so simple! I'm up to my 4th treatment now and can see such great results! I use to shave my underarms daily and now I literally shave just over every fortnight- if that. My downstairs I use to shave every second day, but now I literally can get away with over a fortnight. It's amazing. The hair is getting finer and there is a whole lot less of it! I would recommend Laser Hair Removal to anyone who currently does Any form of hair removal treatment. 

Let me know in the comments below if you think Laser will be something you try for yourself!

Until Next Time, xox

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  1. Love this post. Ive always wanted to get laser done on my underarms and down there but been scared. This one lady got it done on her legs and got scars but this was several years ago and sounds different to what you described. I hate shaving dont have the time and its too bloody itchy. I epilate on my legs and armpits but if I dont exfoliate religiously on my legs and mosturise after EVERY shower I get blackheads on my legs! And I can't wax down there cas I would get horrible ingrown hairs that even the waxer suggested (after trying all these creams, exfoliating etc) to stop waxing. I had to go back to her everytime to get the ingrown hairs removed correctly and I think she git sick of me taking up her time.
    What salon do u go to? And after the 10 treatments do u ever have to go back in the future?

    1. She probably got IPL which is a different (but similar) form of hair removal which involves light. I go to Hairfree which is Australia wide- they should definitely have it up where you live. Depending on your hair (10 sessions is an estimate) after you've completed the amount of sessions you just go back every 6 months, to get 'touch up' sessions. Not too sure how long that goes, but eventually it becomes less and less, and further apart (so once a year etc) Due to laser still being a fairly new form of hair removal they're not 100% what long term effects it has but currently it seems to be permanent. Hence the 'touch up' sessions. Basically the reality is you should just view Laser Hair removal as permanent though.

    2. Also when I went to my first session I had the worst ingrown hairs after my last wax- showed my beautician and she told me laser would help get rid of the ingrown hairs- and it did. You just have to make sure you follow through with the after care with laser. (being to exfoliate every second day and before EVERY shave)

  2. The closest hairfree is in cairns or makay but theres plenty of other laser hair removal places here but seems to be a lot more expensive. $55 dor underarms or $159 for underarms and brazilian.
    Definitely gonna look into it more soon!
    Btw I dont know kf its something with your blog but I didnt get an email that u replied to my comment it was only cas I checked back on your blog that I knew u replied.

  3. Thank you so much for posting. I've been looking into laser hair removal as well, but I wanted to talk to someone about their experience. It means a lot to hear about your positive results. I'm excited to start finding a place near me!

  4. Nice post.
    Valuable information is here.
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Laser Hair removal

  5. Thanks for sharing! I'm planning to do laser hair removal at Lumina skin and surgery, hope it will results good.

  6. My wife has been thinking about doing laser hair removal. She has looked into some different methods of hair removal. Thanks for sharing about your experience. My wife will want to read about it.

  7. My wife has been thinking about doing laser hair removal. She has looked into some different methods of hair removal. Thanks for sharing about your experience. My wife will want to read about it.

  8. Awsum blog . very nice post.
    Thanks for sharing this .

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Thanks for sharing this post,as it gives me quite a good idea about Laser Hair Removal.

  11. Thank you for sharing your personal experience! It will help others to choose what they want. Laser Hair Removal Clinic NJ

  12. Thank you for sharing. It will help others to learn more about laser hair removal.

  13. Nice post.
    Valuable information is here.
    Thanks for sharing with us.


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  20. Thank you so much for posting. I've been looking into laser hair removal as well, but I wanted to talk to someone about their experience. It means a lot to hear about your positive results. I'm excited to start finding a place near me

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  22. Hello Carissa,

    How's your laser journey now after over a year now? Just curious with your result! I'm so glad I have found your blog and you're lucky that the result you got has been great. I'm an asian and was mislead by our nearby clinic that their hair removal method was laser but in fact it was an IPL. I've gone 6 sessions with them and no result. I gave up and just wasted like $600 for that treatment. I wish I had done my research first before believing their crap.

    I had waxed ever since and finally gave a device for home use a try. So far I'm so happy with the result after 6 months of use. It's so much better. If ever you'll be in the same journey as mine, please let me know!

    Emma W.
    That Hair Tho

  23. Underarms Hairs are Now Easy to Remove Permanently

    Underarm hair can be the toughest to eliminate, specially, because the hair on this location is coarse as compared to hair on the rest of the frame. Waxing underarms may be painful. For girls with sensitive skin, underarm waxing also can result in mild bleeding of underarms. Remove underarm hair permanently following below mentioned tips

  24. Thank you so much for sharing such informative post.

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  32. Laser hair removal is ideal for people that doesn't have the time and people with sensitive skin as to not leave your skin dull and itchy. More over, theres a 3 reasons why laser hair removal is better. 1. Precision, it can target even the biggest part up to the smallest and hard to target ones. 2. Speed, It has a numbing cream to remove discomfort. It consists of pulses, 1 pulse can remove several hair. 2. Laser Result, the result are permanent. On average, a person can permanently lose their hairs with just four sessions of laser hair removal.

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