It’s Time to Dip Your Toes

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I’m not going to lie, or sugar coat it for you: life can be stressful. Unless you’re a sloth, who spends 18 hours of the day sleeping, and the other hours eating; you would already be very aware of this. There are so many things in life we feel pressured to throw upon ourselves. The effort we continuously put in for work; in an attempt that our boss may finally one day appreciate us and give us that promotion we long deserve. Those countless petty disagreements you have with your best friend. Shaving your long-haired dog every single week in summer because their hair seems to be mocking your balding husband (and you can’t have that). The list of stress is endless. Let’s face it; some of the things we allow to hassle us aren’t actually that stressful, but that doesn’t stop us from freaking out in the meantime.  What I’m about to tell you now is going to save you hundreds, or possibly thousands of dollars, in future therapy bills that you’ll have when you finally snap with the weight of life.

You need to have a break. By break, I don’t mean a 2 week paid vacation from work and commitments in general (although that would be nice). It’s just not possible to do every single week. What I mean by break is a 10minute - 1 hour ‘recess’ once a day (you know you can have it seeing as you took the time to even read this article), and literally devote that time solely to yourself. You may live near a park, walk there and literally just sit on a bench alone for ten minutes. Take your shoes off and let your feet enjoy the feeling of the grass. Another example of a break would be sitting on a nice comfy chair and read some inspirational quotes (admit it you love purposefully searching quotes that relate to your current emotional state). If none of these examples inspire you to have a break; find something you enjoy doing to relax. Humans were not made to constantly live off adrenaline, eventually, that wears out. Let yourself have an extremely short solo vacation each and every day just to recharge. You could even take this time to plan your dream holiday that you one day want to take! It’s amazing how being alone can wipe stress away.

If you already take the time to devote to yourself daily, let us all know what your recess includes. Life isn’t meant to be stressful, nor does it have to be. Be free to be you
Until next time,

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